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Katalox Light Iron & Manganese Removal Filter Media 30kg

Katalox Light Iron & Manganese Removal Filter Media 30kg


Katalox Light Iron Removal Filter Media


KATALOX LIGHT water filter media offers a new technology with advanced catalytic filtration now available in the water treatment and purification industry. Katalox Light filter media systems have been engineered keeping both professionals and consumers in mind. Katalox iron removal filter media is compatible with most deep bed media  systems available with different models and customized for manual backwash without using electricity or it can be made fully-automatic.


Katalox Heavy Metal Water Filtration Systems can be used in a variety of applications including residential, commercial and any process water applications for food and beverage industry.

Standard systems are designed with a filtration velocity of 20 m/h (8.2 gpm/ft2) to provide excellent filtration, this value may differ for advanced applications such as Arsenic, Radium, Uranium and other Heavy Metal removal where co-precipitation process requires higher contact time thus lower filtration velocity. Running the system at higher velocity may compromise the water filtration performance.


Katalox Light filter media is a highly effective water filtration system with the ability to successfully remove iron, manganese, hydrogen sulphate and colour from water.


There are no flow rate limitations for KATALOX LIGHT iron and manganese removal water systems as KATALOX LIGHT Media Pressure Vessels can be configured in parallel to address commercial high flow requirements,


Filtration Capabilities

• Less than 3 micron • Suspended solids • Sediments • Turbidity • Organics • Colour • Odour


Removes from Water

• Iron • Manganese • Hydrogen Sulfide • Arsenic • Radium • Heavy Metals • Radionuclides


Katalox Light Filter Media Features

  • High content MnO2 coating (10%)
  • Very Large Contact Surface Area
  • Contains Zero Crystalline Silica
  • Light Weight Filter Media - providing significant savings on backwash water
  • Higher Filtration rates
  • Filters out sand, sediment and suspended solids, down to 3 um Micron
  • Highly effective in the removal of Iron, Manganese and Hydrogen Sulfide from Water
  • Effectively reduces Arsenic, Zinc, Copper, Lead, Radium, Uranium, radionuclides and other heavy metals
  • Media Service Life 7 - 10 years
  • No disinfection by-product
  • No mandatory KMnO4, chlorine or chlorine dioxide dosing
  • Low operating costs
  • Katalox light is a unique product, unmatched by competitors


What is Katalox Light?

  • KATALOX LIGHT is a new brand of revolutionary advanced filtration media completely developed in Germany. It‘s composition simply makes it outstanding against the contemporary filter media available in water treatment industries, like sand, BIRM, Greensand Plus, Manganese Greensand etc. Katalox Light is also manufactured in Germany.
  • KATALOX LIGHT filter media is engineered with a unique MnO2 coating technique on ZEOSORB a naturally mined mineral, giving it light weight, a higher filtration surface, longer service life and reliable consistent performance. Mechanical filtration of particles down to 3 µm (Micron), better than any other existing granular filter media.
  • KATALOX LIGHT is used in various applications such as residential, commercial, industrial and municipal applications worldwide. High level filtration is achieved in the reduction of colour and odour removal, Iron, Manganese, Hydrogen sulphide removal, efficient reduction of Arsenic, Zinc, Copper, Lead, Radium, and Uranium and other radionuclides and heavy metals from ground water and industrial water sources.
  • KATALOX LIGHT is used for Arsenic, Radium, Uranium removal but in these cases there is requirement of Iron in the water. KATALOX LIGHT system is designed with special iron dosing technology which has many advantages over Adsorbent media used for Heavy Metal removal.

Katalox Light Certifications

  • KATALOX filter media is certified to NSF/ANSI-61 standard for drinking water applications and has met the ANSI/NSF 372 Lead free compliance.

Katalox Light Packaging

  • 1 ft³ bags (28 Litres); Mass: 30 kg (66 lb.)

Katalox Light Applications

  • KATALOX LIGHT® can be addressed for advanced concepts like Water Reuse, Controlled Adsorption of Arsenic and Heavy Metals, advanced Membrane pre-treatment, Zero-Discharge Cooling tower etc.

Composition of Katalox Light

  • Compounds (Value): Zeosorb (85%) / Manganese Dioxide (10%) / Lime Hydrate (5%)


Katalox Regeneration / Dosing for 1.0 mg/l of

  • Fe2+: H2O2 (0.9 mg/l) - KMnO4/Cl (1.0 mg/l)
  • Mn2+: H2O2 1.8 mg/l - KMnO4/Cl (2.0 mg/l)
  • H2S : H2O2 (4.5 mg/ l) -  KMnO4/Cl  (5.0 mg/l)

Optional: Only if the water doesn’t have sufficient ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) to oxidize the contaminants. OXYDES-P helps to keep the media surface clean and could be used during backwash.

Katalox Light Operating Conditions

  • Inlet water pH Freeboard: 5.8 – 10.5
  • Minimal Bed Depth
    • US 29.5 inches
    • SI 75 cm
  • Optimal Bed Depth
    • US 47 inches
    • SI 120 cm
  • Service flow
    • US 4 – 8 gpm/ ft2
    • SI 10 – 20 m/h
  • Backwash velocity**
    • US 10 – 12 gpm/ ft2
    • SI 25 – 30 m/h
  • Backwash time: 10 - 15 minutes
  • Rinse time: 2 - 3 minutes

Katalox Physical Properties

  • Appearance: Granular black beads
  • Odour: None
  • Mesh size:
    • US 14 x 30
    • SI 0.6 – 1.4 mm
  • Uniformity Coefficient: ≤ 1.75
  • Bulk density
    • US 66 lb / ft3
    • SI 1060 kg / m3
  • Moisture Content: < 0.5 % as shipped
  • Filtration: < 3 micron
  • Loading Capacity
    • for Fe2+ alone (3000 mg / l   85000 mg / ft3 (aprx)
    • for Mn2+ alone (1500 mg / l 42500 mg / ft3 (aprx)
    • for H2S alone (500 mg / l 14000 mg / ft3 (aprx)


Warning: Do NOT exchange pressure vessel media from one FRP vessel to another. Reason for inadequate sanitation during the exchange of media. Wet media will absorb nitrogen and oxygen in the air which will immediately kick of the bacteria growth. Bio-fouling on surface of media and other contaminates are present during the exchange. Katalox Media is designed only for iron manganese, hydrogen sulphide and other heavy metals. Media containing bio-fouling cannot be reused as it is harmful for drinking water. Replacing new media is recommended.

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