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Image of AFM Filtration Media 25KG Bag by The Water Solar Company

AFM Filtration Media 25KG


AFM Activated Filtration Media


What is AFM?


AFM® Activated Filter Material, is an expertly engineered water filter media made from re cycled coloured container glass. AFM is a smart replacement for sand type water filters in any sand filter media. AFM Grade 1 is certified to remove more than 90% of 4 micron particles, that gives activated filter media double the fine particle retention of filter sand. AFM surface activation prevents bio-fouling, improves bio-security and stops bio-channelling. AFM has a service life of 10 years and even longer.


AFM is a direct replacement for sand in any type of sand filter without the need for additional hardware. Afm has more than double the fine particle retention performance of any other media, Activated Glass Filter Media has an engineered, activated surface to adsorb fine particles including specific priority substances, heavy metals and metalloids including arsenic, iron and manganese.

AFM resists biological fouling and prevents resultant channelling. Dryden’s Activated Filter Media substantially reduces product water oxidation demand and also reduces backwash water demand by an average of 50%.


AFM activated glass filter media provides a fast return on investment, usually less than 2 years on water consumption alone. Afm also has a life cycle more than 4 times longer than silica sand.  

AFM (Activated Filter Media) maintains many certifications such as ISO 9001: - 2015, ISO 14001 & 18001 standards & has certified HACCP NSF50 & for drinking water use under European DWI Reg 31 & NSF61.


How to use AFM (Activated Filter Media)

AFM is a smart replacement for sand in any type of sand filter used in water treatment and water purification systems, AFM has a 15 % lower density than silica quartz sand filter media: e.g. if your filter takes 1,000 kg of sand it will only require: 1,000  x 0.85 = 850 kg of Activated Glass Media (AFM)


AFM is produced in 4 grades

  • Grades 0 and 1 provide fine filtration up to 1 Micron
  • Grades 2 and 3 provide support and ensure good flow distribution through the water filter.


About AFM

AFM is by far the most efficient granular water filtration medium available on the market. It is brilliantly engineered to give optimum mechanical water filtration performance in a range of domestic, industrial and municipal water purification applications.

    Activated Filter Media (AFM) Applications

    Pre-treatment prior to UF, NF & RO membranes. Maintenance of cartridge filters and fouling of membranes for Reverse Osmosis and Ultrafiltration is a huge cost. AFM has much better fine particle retention than sand and it also reduces fouling because it does not contain free silica that cause silicate blockage. Sand filters are bio-filters and constantly discharge bacteria into the product water which foul the membranes. AFM resists bio-fouling and does not become a bio-filter.

    • Removal of iron, manganese and arsenic. AFM removes many heavy metal contaminants from the water, and is particularly effective for arsenic and ferric. Contaminated water is usually ground water which must be strongly aerated for a period of at least 30 minutes prior to filtration.  If arsenic needs to be removed additional ferric may be added to achieve a ratio of 10:1 (ferric: arsenic) to facilitate oxidation and co-precipitation.
    • Cooling tower side stream filtration water purification is essential for cooling tower recycled water. AFM removes nutrients to control pathogenic bacteria such as Legionella thereby reducing requirement for corrosion inhibitors, biocides and antiscalants by up to 50%.
    • Tertiary treatment of effluent AFM replaces sand in tertiary treatment filters without the need for additional equipment. AFM does not biofoul and will more than double the performance of the water treatment system, offering a sustainable, low cost and high performance alternative to sand filters in water purification.
    • AFM Filtration Media Specifications

      AFM Features

      • AFM is made from very specific green or brown glass types
      • AFM has been engineered to maintain optimum and consistent particle size and shape
      • Filter media has been activated to increase the surface area up to 300 times that of crushed glass or sand.
      • AFM has been chemically and thermally treated to ensure permanent negatively charged surface properties that make AFM self-sterilising.

      AFM Performance

      • AFM does not support bacterial growth
      • at up to 20m/h will consistently filter, without flocculation: 
        • >95% of 4µ particles (Grade 1) 
        • >95% of 1µ particles (Grade 0)
      • AFM will selectively filter positively charged ionic particles such as heavy metals  
      • AFM will not suffer from channelling or preferential pathways
      • Activated Filter Media will consistently evacuate more than 95% of retained particles using 50% or less water than required for sand.
      • Short backwash duration 5 mins max at 45m/h
      • Activated glass filter media (AFM) has a service lifespan of 10 - 15 years or more.


      AFM Operating Parameters

      • Filtration velocity 1 - 30 m3/h/m2
      • Back Wash Velocity < 45 m3/h/m2
      • Max. operating differential pressure < 0.5 bar
      • Back Wash Duration for 3 - 10 mins
      • Water pH limits 4 - 10
      • Water temperature limits 1 - 100°C


      AFM® Certification

      • ISO 9001: -2015, ISO 14001 & 18001.
      • NSF 50 & 61 for potable water use.
      • DWI EC Regulation 31 certification for potable water use.
      • European Water Directive (98/83/EC) & 80/778/EEC) compliant.
      • HACCP Certified for agriculture, food and drinks markets.
      • BSEN12902 and BSEN12904 compliant.
      • Independently tested by accredited laboratory, IFTS (Institute of Filtration and Techniques of Separation) according to EC ETV (Environmental Testing Verification) programme. Found to give vastly superior performance in filtration and backwash than any other product tested


      AFM (Activated Filter Media) in Iron and Manganese Removal from Water

      AFM used for Iron Removal

      • Associated Process: Oxidation 30 mins by aeration prior to AFM filtration
      • PSF Typical Flow (m3/h): >10 / <20
      • % Reduction: 95% Iron (Fe) Reduction


      AFM used for Manganese Removal

      • Associated Process: Oxidation 500mV with H2O2 or NaHOCl + 30 mins aeration, FeCl coagulation prior to AFM filtration
      • PSF Typical Flow (m3/h): >10 / <20
      • % Reduction: 98% Manganese (Mn) Reduction
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